Things You Should Know before Hiring Independent Escorts

6 May 2017

Things You Should Know before Hiring Independent EscortsIf you are traveling to one of many European countries, you may be tempted to hire an independent escort to keep you entertained throughout your stay. If you are already aware of such escorts or agencies that supply them, your experience is more likely to be better. However, there are a few things you should know before hiring escorts, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

While there are a few escorts who wish to work with escort agencies, there are others who wish to work independently, without being associated with any agency. These escorts aren’t necessarily those that are not accepted by an agency. It’s just that they do not wish to share their money with the agency. Escorts who work independently like to work with full freedom and use self-promotion via different mediums like the internet for making their offerings known to others. Over a period of time, they build up a reputation and a client base.

Here are a few things you should know before hiring independent escorts

1. She is above legal age

Whether or not you want to engage in sex with your escort, make sure that she is above legal age. Most countries in the Europe have a legal age of 18 years and therefore, you need to adhere to this law. Anyone found hiring an escort below 18 years could be held for trafficking.

2. Blogs and websites

There are many independent escorts who have their own blogs and websites running. Therefore, you can consider checking out these places to know more about an escort and the services they have on offer. Experienced and well-educated escorts who are working for themselves are generally honest about what they have on offer to their clients.

You just need to make sure that you don’t fall prey to fancy and sexy pictures you find on just any other blog on the internet. These websites might be there just to lure you into their business and make money out of you. Actually, when you search for escorts on the internet using popular keywords, the ones that are available at the top are more reliable than the bottom ones.

3. Watch out for the reviews

Another way of making sure that the escort services you are taking for an individual are legitimate and excellent is by going through the reviews that are available on the internet. Go through the reviews provided by past users and watch out for their comments. More often than not, the comments posted by the past users are genuine and you can count on them

4. Payment mode

Independent escorts are usually very particular about their safety and ensure that they do not get harmed by clients in any way. Therefore, when you meet her for the first time, make it a point to pay her. There are chances that she might not accept credit cards. All she might want is cash as it is the only legitimate way of payment for services she has on offer. So, always carry extra cash with you.

5. Courtesy

Always show courtesy towards independent escorts! When you show them some respect, you get the same in return. They tend to open up and be attractive when they feel you are treating them as a professional. It also increases their confidence levels and will find it comfortable offering their services to you.

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