Yes, it’s important to maintain good personal hygiene before you visit a massage center. Remember, just as you prefer dealing with people with good hygiene, massage therapists also prefer dealing with clients that have good hygiene. Therefore, you need to respectfully go to a massage center clean! Showing up at the place sweaty or in poor hygiene condition will only invite a poor response from your therapist. Yes, the massage staff might still provide the kind of services promised to you in the first place but if you arrive at the center with good hygiene then chances are that you’ll get even better services from them.
It is always a good idea to carry along extra cash with you while visiting massage parlors. This is because you might be interested in availing additional services that the therapist might introduce to you. Some of these services could be upsells that could be provided to you during the massage session itself. Remember, some of the services that could be offered to you on a la-carte basis may be really popular and beneficial to you in the long run. Therefore, carrying a little extra cash will not hurt you one bit.
Another important tip you need to consider before visiting massage parlors is to make prior appointments. In this regard, it is better to call the parlor staff beforehand and seek an appointment. This will enable both of you to prepare well in advance. Just showing up at the parlor without taking any appointment will not work. There are chances that you might not get the hottest masseur available at the parlor at the time of your visit, in case you fail to get a prior appointment. Give yourself as well as parlor staff ample time to prepare for a massage session.
If visiting massage parlors is new to you, then make a point to go through reviews beforehand. This will set your mind on what to expect at the center. Remember, visiting a massage parlor is quite similar to visiting a restaurant. So, you would wish to know about the experiences you stand to receive before visiting such a place.
You should only seek opinions from people whom you trust. There are people who would be tempted to give you wrong information or misguide you. If you are not sure about a source, it is better to stay away and seek information from a reliable person.